Standard Home Inspection

The Standard Home Inspection is a thorough, non-invasive visual inspection of a home and associated systems. Simply put, the main purpose of a Standard Home Inspection is to identify existing defects, or conditions that can lead to defects. These findings are complied into a written report and emailed to you no later than noon the following day. I recommend being present for the latter half of the inspection to discuss the findings and answer any questions you might have.

The Standard Home Inspection meets or exceeds the standards of practice for both Washington State and the National Association of Home Inspectors (NACHI). Here is a partial list of items covered when they are accessible:

  • ROOF
  • ELECTRICAL (Panel, Branch Wiring, Permanent Fixtures)
  • HVAC (Furnace, A/C, Heat Pump)
  • PLUMBING (Water Heater, Distribution Pipe, Fixtures)
  • APPLIANCES (For general function and connection)
